N. 18-08-1930 – M. 18-08-2019


Dopo aver percorso oltre 3.500,00 km in auto e aver amato la sua famiglia, la sua azienda e i suoi dipendenti come figli, nel giorno del suo compleanno ha deciso di lasciarci.

Il suo ricordo sarà indelebile.

The founder of our company, our father Luigi Altini, was a wonderful man.

An only child of parents immediately separated, he lived his childhood with his grandparents.

His grandfather Ercole was his father and his model and example, from him he learned work, passion and commitment.

Heir of a family of carters (manufacturers of agricultural trailers), with a pinch of madness and blindly believing in his dreams, he threw himself into the desire to have a company of his own and work iron instead of wood like his ancestors.

And on this dream he has set his whole life.

With zero money but a handshake, honesty, honesty, pride and intelligence created O.R.I. literally from nothing.

An example for us daughters and for all those who have had the luck (and the pleasure) of meeting him in their lives.


Annamaria, Annacarla, Annalisa

